Tuesday 28 February 2012

The Thing About Love Is

Friends, family and neighbors even in the slow whisper you hear from the room across yours, the theme of love never fail to appear. Spoken with pride, spoken with despair, even my twitter’s timeline is full of it. What do you do then? Take a box of popcorn and enjoy the drama.
        A word to describe my love life, Hectic. I’ve been here and there, this and that. But none stays. Maybe its me, maybe its them but after all its you and me that makes an ‘us’.  I may not be the best person one could make example of in this subject but I do have a few opinions up my sleeves.
        A new batch of freshman is now entering my college. Thus with that, new hot bunch of buns in the oven. A friend of mine has someone she’s seeing but the problem arise as that person is far away from here. And here is where a hot boyies steps in. Bearing the same name with whom she’s frantically worried even by an unreplied sms, the boyies is now a new so-called-crush. How she felt, what were her reasons, why it turns out to be that way around, I’ll leave it to your own interpretation.
        I am a friend. Not more than a friend. Do I get a say in this, No. Should I say something about this, Maybe. And I rather choose not to. As for being a friend, I have read her personalities quite successfully. The kind you would rue the day you stepped in he way. And for that occasion, I kept myself shut, wrote this which I think she won’t even bother to read, and be there when tears start falling, for I think this fling will not last well.
        To boys out there, those who keen enough to have read this blabbers, do make example out of this. For loving is one great thing but standing tall for that one love is another great achievement many has failed to achieve. Including me. 

I Love Uollsss..... 

Kata-Kata Kesat

Tajuk entri nak ‘grand’ je bukan? Haha. Sengaja. Bukan apa, makin hari makin teruk kiranya bahasa percakapan diri sendiri. Pengaruh kuat dari 9gag mungkin. Aku pon terpengaruh dengan benda ni.. Mungkin itu juga factor utama bahan telaah tak terserap dek minda. Tengok, autocorrect lagi! Siku kang Microsoft word ni!

            Anyway, thanks to my members. Alhamdulillah apa yang dibelajar pada satu malam itu dapat diserap dengan eloknya.  Walaupun banyak juga ruang jawapan yang kosong di kertas namun at least there’s something right? Close enough. Actually risau dah nak final exam..

            Tadi bukak tweet tengok ade perkataan kurang sopan di timeline. Hurm. Bangun pagi je terus mencarut. Macam mana hidup harus Berjaya? Blimey! A big smack on the face should be in order. I need to let lose some of those nasty words before things got out of hands. Wouldn’t be so nice if I brought it home with me right? ~fikir2 kan lah~~~~~~~~~~ kita mampu mengubahnya kerana…. Love u Ollssss

Sunday 19 February 2012

Kisah Kita

Assalamualaikum n salam sejahtera..

Aku arin,, kat sini aku nk cakap pasal pengorbanan.. susah utk aku cerita tentang sesuatu pengorbanan..Pengorbanan is important to all of u.. so bg aku,, setiap yg berlaku mesti ade pengorbanan.. even nk mkan sekali pon.. no matter what.. aku nak bgthu,, setiap kawan tu ade kelebihan dan kelemahan.. Aku sbenarnyer xpernah kisah dpt kwn cmne pon because I don't care about your past . All I want to know is if there's a place for me in your future. Aku bkn lah seorg yg baik dahulu.. Seorg hamba Allah yg banyak kelemahan nya.. tapi sku bersyukur sebab masih sedar utk kembali ke jln yg benar.. Sometimes fikir balik mneyesal sgt.. tapi kebaikannya dapat mematangkan aku.. Ok dah pkol 4.30 pagi.. nak smbong stdy.. >,<

#wsalam.. >,<